But how should your lifestyle be?

Pain, swelling, morning stiffness, lasting for more than an hour and deformity, with the passage of time, are some of the characteristics of the rheumatoid arthritis that affects a little more than 1.5% of the Mexican population.

At a press conference, Fedra Irazoque Palazuelos , Chief of Rheumatology National Medical Center "November 20 , of the ISSSTE in Mexico City, indicated that the arthritis It represents the first cause of absence from work in the country.

"Approximately one third of patients with rheumatoid arthritis He stops working for the disease, which implies huge social costs for health systems. "

In this sense, it was announced that Bristol-Myers Squibb developed a new subcutaneous presentation of his biological therapy focused on achieving the remission of the disease and on decreasing the progression of the arthritis , in order to prevent and limit structural damage, functional loss and improve the quality of life of these patients.

In this regard, the rheumatologist Patricia Sosa Espinosa , medical director of Virology and Immunology of the laboratory, said.

"Patients with rheumatoid arthritis in Mexico they can fight the disease with the help of our biological therapy, which is the first available in two administration routes: intravenous and, now, subcutaneous, to offer more safety and comfort to the patient.


But how should your lifestyle be?

According to the head of the National Medical Center November 20, the integral key of the patient to recover mobility of their joints and have a better quality of life are:

1. Have a diet rich in vegetables and low in fat and processed foods
2. Practice some exercise
3. Think positive

However, which is the best exercise for those who live with rheumatoid arthritis , in an interview for GetQoralHealth , the doctor Fedra reveals it to you.

According to experts, have a more pleasant lifestyle and less Stressful It is key to get ahead and have a successful recovery, since the emotional factor impacts on this and any disease. Beware!

Video Medicine: IT'S A LIFESTYLE - MOTIVATION (April 2024).