Strawberries vs diabetes

Strawberries are a delicious fruit that offers thousands of benefits for your health, like whitening your teeth or getting off weight ; However, a new study of the Warwick University in the United Kingdom notes that it prevents the risk of suffering diabetes Y heart diseases .

The teacher's team Paul Thornalley, from the School of Medicine of the British university, reveals that the extracts of the strawberries activate a protein of the body called Nrf2, which increases the antioxidant action and other protective activities.

According to information published in NCYT, this protein reduces the presence of cholesterol and lipids in the blood , so the intake of strawberries is very effective in preventing heart diseases .

Also, other studies have shown that this fruit lowers the levels of low density lipoproteins (LDL, "cholesterol bad ") and glucose in blood , and therefore reduces the risk of suffering from diabetes .

Therefore, so that you enjoy all the benefits of this delicious fruit and fill yourself with antioxidants In a healthy way, we share the following recipe of the Mexican Diabetes Federation .

Strawberry Mousse


Ingredients for five servings

  1. Two sachets (14 grams) of unflavored gelatin
  2. Half a cup of cold water
  3. Two cups of blended strawberries
  4. Two cups of light or Greek natural yogurt
  5. One-third cup of sugar substitute
  6. Spray oil


Hydrate the gelatin in half a cup of cold water for 10 minutes. Then heat slightly and strain. Reservation.

Blend strawberries, yogurt, sugar substitute and gelatin. Place the mixture in a gelatin mold previously sprayed with a little spray oil. Put in the refrigerator until it settles. You can serve it accompanied by a strawberry sauce and decorate it with a flower. Maybe some of these celebrities should add it to their diet. And you, and how many times a week do you consume this fruit that prevents heart disease and diabetes?

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Video Medicine: Are Strawberries Good for Diabetes? (April 2024).