Prevention, a gift of life!

If you have an active sexual life it is essential that you have an adequate control of your intimate health, that is, in addition to hygiene and use protection in each encounter, you must practice some sexual tests to rule out the presence of an infection.

According to the doctor Hunter Handsfield, clinical professor of medicine at the University of Washington , young people should be tested once a year; however, everything depends on the sexual behavior of the people.

There is no test to identify all sexually transmitted diseases, so there is a specific test for each, so know what you must do constantly and take care of your health.

Prevention, a gift of life!

Some of these infections may go unnoticed by not registering any symptoms, so the following tests may be the key to extending your life.


  1. HIV . It is detected through a blood test, a buccal swab test or a urinalysis.
  2. Syphilis . A blood or fluid analysis is taken from an ulcer caused by the infection.
  3. Chlamydia . It is detected through a physical examination, analysis of secretion of the anus, urethra or vagina. You can also take a sample of cells from the cervix, penis, vagina or anus.
  4. Gonorrhea . An analysis of secretion of the anus, urethra or vagina is performed. You can also take a sample of cells from the cervix, penis, vagina or anus.
  5. Human papilloma virus . A sample of the cells of the cervix is ​​analyzed.

Other sexual tests that you can perform according to the symptoms that present are: genital warts, pelvic inflammatory disease, trichomoniasis, pubic lice, herpes, hepatitis B and bacterial vaginosis.

Do not forget that if you think you were exposed to an infection or had unprotected sex, these tests are basic to take care of your health and that of your partner. Do not let it pass by and act to enjoy a good sexuality.

Remember to use protection in every sexual encounter and perform a general check-up at least once a year. In your hands is your quality of life. And you, have you ever had a sexual test?

Video Medicine: Gift of Life presenting info on risks of mel (May 2024).