What causes abdominal fat?

How do you realize that your weight is no longer the same? One of the key points to identify that your weight is already a little above what you want or that you simply lead a different lifestyle is the bulge of the belly, but what else causes abdominal fat?

In the next video, GetQoralHealth It explains the most common mistakes that generate fat in the abdomen and prevent having a flat stomach or a more defined waist. Know them!

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What causes abdominal fat?

According to the Harvard University , abdominal fat occurs in the tissue under the skin (subcutaneous), which does not cause damage to the body, as it only changes the shape of the body.

However, there is the fat that is inside the abdomen (visceral), which is distributed around the organs of the body and can be very harmful to health.

The scientists detail that this type of abdominal fat accumulates in organs such as the liver, which affects the regulation of insulin levels, glycemia and cholesterol, causing cardiovascular health problems.

One way to prevent their accumulation is to lead a healthy lifestyle that allows you to maintain a slender, toned and healthy body. Do not forget to hydrate properly to eliminate toxins from your body and prevent the accumulation of fat in the belly. And you, how do you eliminate abdominal fat?

Video Medicine: How to Flatten Your Belly in 10 Days (April 2024).