Express yourself and free yourself!

Have you ever wondered why we get angry? It usually happens when something frustrates us, from something as small as traffic to a threat to our physical integrity or our honor.

The reasons why we get angry are very varied and the degrees of intensity too, but they all have a common element: under each anger there is a frustration, says the Argentine psychotherapist Norberto Levy.

For the author of the book "The Wisdom of Emotions", the essential function of anger is to give more energy to face the obstacle that produces frustration.

However, Norberto Levy clarifies that it is important to distinguish the two types of anger that exist: the one that destroys and the one that resolves. "The idea that we have of anger as something bad is that it destroys, which is, unfortunately, the way it expresses itself most often.

However, this is not the only form of anger, there is also the one that resolves, which rests on two pillars: "express what I feel before what happened and demand the answer that would" de-anger ", he says.


Express yourself and free yourself!

It is necessary to express the frustration and anger that a situation produces because it serves as an outlet for the person. The essence of the anger used to resolve is to assert oneself with clarity, strength and respect. And for that it is not necessary to disqualify or to insult or insult.

According to the Argentine psychologist, when one learns to respectfully and respectfully get angry, one becomes more clearly aware of the other's anger: whether it is decisive or destructive.

Then, we can distinguish what part of truth there may be in that anger, what reparation it requires and how much there is of trial, grievance or abuse, which is part of the immaturity and ignorance of who gets angry like that. So do not forget the famous phrase: "he who gets angry, loses".

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