Pregnancy and the care of your weight during this stage

Women during pregnancy tend to gain weight . Ideally the increase ranges between 9 and 12 kilograms. But this proportion can be variable if the expectant mother is already overweight, in these cases, it is recommended that said increase do not exceed 7 to 9 kilos

To achieve this, a good diet is essential, balanced, balanced, varied and rich in essential nutrients for the optimal development of fetus and not to exceed the recommended weight limits during this period; so in your diet you should not miss food with calcium , proteins , iron , acid folic Y vitamins . It is also of vital importance consume water in sufficient quantities to avoid urinary problems and constipation.

The consumption of salt in the stage of pregnancy is risky since it can cause an edema or even that the arterial pressure rises, with the implications that this represents for the health.

7 Tips for taking care of your weight in pregnancy

If you plan to become pregnant or you already are, keep an eye on your weight , in the long run the consequences of the care or carelessness of this stage have repercussions, for better or for worse, on Your Health and in your baby's.

That's why we give you 7 simple tips to take care of yourself:


  1. Eat at your hours. If you have a well-defined meal schedule, you take more advantage of the food and accustom your body to comply with its metabolic cycle, which in the long term results in weight loss
  2. Snacks If you get hungry between meals avoid consuming junk products, better consume some fruit or vegetables, or at least a fruit bar
  3. Without salt. The less salt you consume, the lower your risk of cardiovascular disease
  4. Less sugar . This helps control your weight and your health
  5. Fat in minimal quantities. While they are necessary for the body, try not to abuse them. That includes dairy products and animal products
  6. Drink a lot of water. In addition to staying hydrated, natural water is an effective cleanser of the urinary and digestive system
  7. Zero alcohol Alcoholic beverages, in addition to affecting the development of the fetus, help to gain weight
  8. Exercise. Besides helping you burn calories, it is beneficial to cope in a more simple way your pregnancy. Go with a professional to suggest which are the most appropriate for your condition.

For no reason do you stop visit your doctor , only a specialist is authorized to impose a diet or exercise, as well as monitor your pregnancy. Is by Your Health and for the your baby .

Video Medicine: How Much Weight Should You Gain in Pregnancy? | Kaiser Permanente (April 2024).