Sick all the time?

The stressful rhythm of everyday life, exposure to biological factors such as pollution , viruses, bacteria or fungi can endanger the resistance of the immune system and consequently that of your health. However, some simple habits can help you prevent this situation.

According to the Arthritis Foundation , the immune system It is the body's natural defense against infections. Through a series of steps, your body fights and destroys invading infectious organisms before they cause damage. When your immune system is failing you are vulnerable to diseases that can put your life at risk.


Sick all the time?

To prevent your body from being a victim of an infection here we provide you with 7 habits that will help you strengthen your immune system . Try them!

1. Increase your zinc consumption. According to an article Huffington Post, Zinc is a potent supporter of several different immune functions. Foods rich in zinc They are mushrooms, fresh parsley, lean beef, low-fat dairy products and sesame seeds.

2. Do you consume the necessary calories? When the input of calories is low, the priorities of the body are limited to maintaining the heart beating while the immune system operates with a deficit. An investigation of the Colorado State University He discovered that although your consumption of fruits and vegetables is limited, you can increase the benefits in your health.

3. Rest. If you do not sleep enough, youimmunological system is depressed, giving entry to colds, respiratory infections and other annoying diseases. A study published in Psychosomatic Medicine revealed that even the slightest disturbances during sleep can cause a considerable decrease in the number of cells whose function is to fight infections.

4. Stomach inflamed. According to Susan Kleiner , author of the book The Power Food Nutrition Plan When you are constantly in an altered state of immunological alertness, this can have negative consequences for the whole body; example of this is the stomach inflamed, to avoid it the consumption of yogurt can help you considerably to avoid this problem.

5. Benefits without gaining weight. Red grapes and blueberries strengthen your immune system because they contain a compound that works like vitamin D , according to a study by the Oregon State University Adrian Gombart.

6. Be happier. A positive attitude strengthens the immune system of the human being, and this is because it is fundamental because the functions of the organism respond better to any external aggression. This is indicated by a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

7. Have sex. A study published in the magazine Psychologie heute affirms that having relationships in a usual way considerably enhances the defense mechanism of the human body against common diseases such as the cold or flu.

An investigation carried out by the Complutense University notes that the immune system depends 75% on factors related to quality of life. So what do you expect to change for habits that strengthen your immune system.

Video Medicine: Why Am I Sick All the Time? Immune System Health with Dr. Hans Gruenn MD (April 2024).