Overcome Peter Pan syndrome successfully!

Do you know what is the syndrome of Peter Pan ? It refers to those who are adults on the outside and children on the inside, that is, they are people who refuse to grow, who do not assume responsibilities, commitments, or care for others, so they prefer to stay in the world where they can do what they want as if they were small children or teenagers, the psychoanalyst Mina Shterenberg .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the specialist of the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico (SPM) e Explain that this behavior is recorded by different situations:


  1. They did not put him limits . They always did what they wanted.
  2. They are people who were not shown their mistakes. They think that everything they do is correct
  3. They are very immature psychologically and insecure of themselves and suffer enough, despite being people who enjoy life and are always happy


Overcome Peter Pan syndrome successfully!

Dr. Mina Shterenberg clarifies that, in general, people who suffer from this syndrome They do not recognize it, they are usually external people who tell them, whether it is a couple, friends or family.

"The patients think that their behavior is normal, nevertheless, they realize when another person says them to them or they begin to be alone", the specialist mentions.

The psychoanalyst Mina Shterenberg says that the steps that patients must follow to overcome the Peter Pan syndrome are:

1. Recognize that you have a problem . It can be with the help of others
2. Go to therapy to understand the origin of the situation and learn to take responsibility for their own lives
3. Accept the participation of friends and family by setting limits and not overlapping child behaviors
4. Show mistakes with love . Family members should explain what the person is doing without realizing it and the consequences of their actions.

The most important thing is to realize that these people they suffer, that in the end they are very insecure and immature both psychologically and socially, so the support of family and friends is very important, as well as attending therapy. And you, do you have Peter Pan syndrome?

Video Medicine: Jordan Peterson - The Tragic Story of the Man-Child (April 2024).