Shape your buttocks with chest tests

To look a toned body you must mix some movements that help you work all the muscles. For example, the exercises for toning buttocks that are performed on the chest also help you strengthen your arms, abdomen and legs.

In accordance with Jorge Rodríguez, specialist in training of Sport City, Exercises such as the sphinx, posture maintenance or crawling give tone to your muscles and help you to have more control of your posture while burning fat. Know them and encourage yourself to mold your body!

The sphinx and the crawling are the key exercises to correctly perform any lizard or displacements, that is, they share the same benefits as working chest, shoulders and triceps.

The secret to strengthening your muscles is to contract the abdomen and gluteus during all movements. Chest ground exercises have the advantage of helping you increase your stamina and perfect your routine.

Remember that before practicing any type of exercise to tone your buttocks it is necessary to perform a warm-up that allows the free movement of your muscles, to avoid injuries during practice. Cheer up, and do it from the comfort of your home!

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Video Medicine: Getting the VACUUM Butt Lift?! (Beauty Trippin) (May 2024).