5 ideal sports for pregnancy

The regular practice of Exercise in pregnancy helps to lessen the physical discomfort of this one, and contributes to the mother's recovery after Birth , according to information published by Psychoprofiláxis mountain .

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, its acronym in English is ACOG) notes that women who did exercise and they were in good physical condition before pregnancy They can continue their practice throughout the pregnancy without risk.

Therefore, here we present five sports that can be practiced safely during the gestation :

  1. Walk: It is a good way to start a program of exercises .
  2. Yoga: It is ideal, even if you do not have previous experience.
  3. Swim: Water supports the weight , so injuries and stresses are avoided muscles . It also helps keep you cool and helps prevent inflammation of the legs.
  4. Cycling : Provides good aerobic training (stationary bicycle recommended).
  5. Aerobic exercises : They are a good way to keep the heart and lungs strong.

Remember to avoid activities that require jumping, jarring movements or rapid changes of direction, which can impact the joints and cause injuries .

In addition, specialists point out that during the pregnancy avoid horse riding, water skiing, scuba diving oxygen , high-altitude skiing, contact sports and any exercise that can cause serious falls.

It is not recommended to carry out exercise at pregnancy when there is a job Birth , vaginal bleeding, cervical problems, dribbling of amniotic fluid, difficulty breathing, dizziness or Fainting , decreased fetal activity or other complications.

The exercise in pregnancy increases the flow of oxygen and blood to the muscles that begin to work and decrease it in other parts of the body. Therefore, avoid excess physical activity . And you, do you already enjoy the well-being that exercise offers?

Video Medicine: Weight Gain and Pregnancy (Q&A) (May 2024).