How to reduce stress in an innovative way

In principle, we agree that some types of stress are normal and even useful; They can help us if we need to work hard or react quickly. Stress is the body's response to changes. But what happens when those changes overtake us?

When we are stressed we tend to do it even more. This is because we feel pressured and harassed.

A team of psychologists from the University of Jaén in Spain , headed by the specialist Esther López Zafra , showed that people with greater emotional intelligence are able to cope better with stress states and manage situations in a way that does not affect their daily life so much.

GetQoralHealth we offer you five innovative ways to reduce stress and live better:

1. Write Writing about the things that are bothering you could be helpful. Write 10 to 15 minutes a day about stressful events and how they make you feel. This will help you figure out what is the cause of your stress.

2. Let your feelings out. Talk, laugh, cry and express anger when you need to. Talking with friends, family, a counselor or even a priest about your feelings is a healthy way to relieve stress.

3. Do something that you enjoy. It can be a hobby, like working in the garden; a creative activity, such as writing, crafts or art; play with pets and take care of them, or do volunteer work. Taking time to do something you enjoy can help you relax.

4. Concentrate on the present. Meditation and guided images are two ways to concentrate and relax the mind. When you meditate, focus your attention on things that are happening right now. One way to concentrate is to pay attention to the breath.

5. Use guided images. With the guided images, you imagine yourself in an environment that helps you feel calm and relaxed. You can use audio tapes, books or a teacher to guide you.

Experts say that the body is sending alarm signals that must be recognized: digestive problems, insomnia, neck and back pain, to eat and drink to excess or use drugs to "endure" are very related to stress.

The correct time management allows you to prevent and combat it, so it is essential to save time and use it in matters of transcendence, reserving moments to be alone and be able to relax.

Video Medicine: NBC Ft Wayne shares an innovative way to reduce anxiety and stress (April 2024).