5 tips to lower the belly

Have a abdomen Flat and a narrow waist is the dream of every woman. However, it is one of the most difficult areas to keep in shape, but not impossible. With a diet Y exercises for lower the belly You sure do it.

Remember that having a abdomen flat and a thin waist is not just a matter of beauty , also health, since specialists recommend in the case of women have less than 80 cm in diameter. Exceeding this measure is a sign of overweight .

GetQoralHealth presents below the best nutritional tips and exercises to lower the belly.

1. Do not skip any food: A common mistake is to think that if we pass over a meal of the day, we will lose weight . However, the effects are the opposite, stopping eating increases your anxiety so you'll end up eating too much.

2. Exercise to lower the belly: Stand in front of a mirror and keep your back straight. In this position, move the trunk first to the right and then to the left for a minute and a half. Then do twenty push-ups on each side. Mark your waist with the following exercises to lower the belly:

3. Say goodbye to express diets: Forget about the subsistence allowance that promise to lose a lot of kilos in a few days, most likely when you return to your daily eating habits, you recover your weight and even a little more. Better choose a balanced and healthy diet.

4. Exercise to lower the belly: Put yourself in front, raise your arms to shoulder height and perform movements with the trunk to the sides. Do it first to the right, stand in the middle and then to the left. Do twenty repetitions on each side.

5. Be careful with hidden calories: To have a abdomen you must be careful with the consumption of alcohol , since this one has many calories that make you gain weight and bulge the abdomen . Prefers natural water or failing a glass of whiskey, this is the drink that less calories have.

Video Medicine: How to Flatten Your Belly in 10 Days (April 2024).