Nopales vs diabetes mellitus

The nopal is one of the most used foods in the diet for diabetes, because it is proven that your Therapeutic use It goes back to pre-Hispanic cultures.

Thanks to the high content of soluble and insoluble vegetable fiber who owns nopal , has been characterized as being very effective in controlling the symptoms of diabetes , achieving satisfactory stability of the glucose in blood .

The nopal it is considered a regulatory plant , so it will not induce the levels of glucose go too low, to the point of falling into hypoglycemia .

In GetQoralHealth we want you to take advantage of all the benefits of nopal , so we present a recipe for Diabetes Today , to incorporate it into your diet for diabetes :


Nopales Salad

Ingredients for 6 servings:

1. ½ kg. of nopales 2. Six slices of finely chopped turkey ham 3. ¼ kg. of chopped panela cheese in small squares 4. A bunch of finely chopped baby onions 5. Two chopped jalapeño peppers without seeds 6. A tomato, chopped in small squares 7. A glass of olive oil 8. ¼ kg. of finely chopped white onion 9. Salt to taste



1. Wash the nopales and chop them into small pieces. 2. Put them over low heat with a teaspoon of olive oil and two slices of onion. Leave them until the water evaporates and cool. 3. Stir in a bowl all the ingredients (nopales, ham, onions, oxtail, onion, panela, jalapeños and tomato) with olive oil. Add salt to taste

Nutritional information per serving (3/4 cup): 195 kcal, Carbohydrates 9 g., Proteins 14 g., Lipids 12 g, Fiber 3.5 g.

Remember that the healing qualities of nopal increase levels and sensitivity to insulin , managing to stabilize and regulate sugar level in the blood , so it provides a better quality of life to patients with Mellitus diabetes . Enjoy your meal!

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