Love vs. pain

The University of Maryland published research that suggests that good intentions and demonstrations of love alleviate pain . The hugs, kisses and even the dessert of the grandmother know better if they are perceived to be "made with love".

Good intentions also increase the pleasure and the taste for making things better. The way we read other people's intentions changes the perspective of the world.

Studies report that a "good" intention is reflected with a smile or a kind gesture; On the contrary, a "bad" intention manifests itself through grimaces or hostile attitudes; This is because we are physically influenced by the perceived content of another person's mind.

For example in Mexico, the foods prepared by the mother are a demonstration of love that most appreciate, especially if you are sick or had a bad day. If your partner prepares your favorite dish on an anniversary day, you will undoubtedly feel loved.

Given this finding, it is inferred that no type of feeling can be feigned. A kind gesture does not cover a bad intention and vice versa, since this is perceived in any way. Therefore we must be careful with false demonstrations of affection and affection, because the body is wise and a great detector of lies.

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Video Medicine: Swerve "Love vs Pain" featuring Jennelle Reyes OFFICIAL Music Video (April 2024).