Stress could keep you from getting pregnant

The highest frequency of long Labor journeys and the desire to achieve professional success can complicate the path to pregnancy.

In interview with GetQoralHealth, Mario Lucas Flores, obstetrician at the Angeles del Pedregal Hospital, affirms today it is more common to see cases where stress affects the pregnancy of working women.


The stress is a fundamental part so that the body is not in stable conditions to achieve conception

Shared factors

1. Less periods. Being subjected to a lot of stress can cause changes in the menstrual period, even for several months and with repercussions on your fertility clock.

2. Low wishes. Having a heavy workday decreases your sexual appetite.

3. No performance. In athletes, the routines and hormonal treatments affect, in men, the quality and quantity of sperm, and in them, it reduces menstrual periods for up to a year.

4. Very fitted. Wearing a uniform adjusted for doing work at heights or under the ground, can cause a drop in sperm production and the process of infertility.

What to do?

* Come with the specialist and request your medical evaluation to rule out physiological problems or any serious condition.

* Share with your family and friends your expectation to listen to experiences and possible places to attend.

* Not you obsessions with getting pregnant and if necessary seek attention psychological .

* Plan your sexual encounters according to the most fertile days of your partner.

Women above

The specialist in human reproduction insists that although stress affects pregnancy by equal parts of the couple, it is women who delay the decision to dedicate to work.

5 out of 10 couples delay their intention to procreate and 80% that it is so for the feminine side.


There are women of 38 and up to 42 years old that come to a first consultation because they want to get pregnant "

Video Medicine: Stress could keep you from getting pregnant (April 2024).