Factors that trigger the contagion

Drastic climate changes increase the incidence of respiratory diseases, especially in vulnerable people such as children of school age.

In that sense, it would be important to take some actions as a family to deal with the risks of contagion characteristic of this time, so that everyone at home can enjoy the most festive season of the year without health concerns.

"The best medicine is prevention," says the doctor Octavio Martínez Bocardi, intensivist pediatrician, certified by the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Heart Association .

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Factors that trigger the contagion

The specialist explains that "in this time the possibilities for all of them to increase respiratory tract infections, which can be viral or bacterial, because a series of factors are combined.

"When breathing icy air, the defenses diminish and someone in the family can get sick; Coupled with this, the first thing we do when it is cold is to close the doors and windows in schools, houses and offices, however, that overcrowding facilitates the contagion.

Children are one of the most vulnerable groups to acquire a disease of this type, so it is necessary to strengthen their immune system before they present any symptoms, "he says.
Prevent, first step to enjoy life!

The specialist notes that the first step to prevent the spread of respiratory diseases is to ensure that children have their complete vaccination scheme, because "most of these vaccines prevent respiratory diseases."

Another fundamental aspect is to protect them from sudden changes in temperature. "If the child is unprotected because he or she is not wearing appropriate clothing, it can be easy prey for infections in the throat as well as in the bronchi and lungs."

As part of prophylactic measures, it is very important to also take certain vitamins that will strengthen them in the face of the risk of infection.

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In these modern times it may be the case that both dad and mom work and sometimes, even if the child is sick, they take him to school. The expert recommends that in a situation of this type "the most appropriate is to go to the pediatrician to indicate the relevant medication, find someone who can take care of it, leave it at home to be restored, thus avoiding complications and contagions

Finally, the expert emphasizes the importance of mum and dad washing their hands after caring for a child who has a respiratory condition, to avoid transferring viruses or bacteria to their other children. Remember that self-medication is not an option.

Video Medicine: Network Diffusion & Contagion (April 2024).