Scientists find cure for cancer

Scientists of the University of Alberta they found the cure against Cancer . They used a substance called dichloroacetate that reduces and eliminates the symptoms of Cancer .

Although there is already a cure, the dichloroacetate It is a drug that does not require a patent and is cheap compared to drugs from large laboratories. As a result of this, the medication has not been put on sale.

Canadian researchers tested the dichloroacetate in humans and found that it kills cells carcinogenic in lungs , brain Y chest . According to Dr. Carlos Aranda , the Cancer is a cellular disorder that through drugs can be restored, in this regard says:

The dichloroacetate produces an activation in the mitochondria so that it eliminates naturally with the Cancer in the cells .

The specialists are worried about not finding funds to continue the investigations of the dichloroacetate about him Cancer , since it does not represent strong profits for private investors because it is not patented.

The Nobel Prize in Medicine Richard J. Roberts It suggests that as the drugs that cure are not profitable, they are not developed by the pharmaceutical companies. However, they do develop chronic medication that is consumed serially. And you, what do you think about it?

Video Medicine: Have scientists found the cure for cancer? – video explainer (April 2024).