School lunch for better performance

The refreshment or school lunch it is a light meal that children take at school, but it is as important as the others in their diet; it covers about 15% of its daily nutritional requirements . Although it does not replace breakfast, the snack is for the little ones to have a good performance in school and for them to develop healthy eating habits in their life.

An inadequate snack can generate bad habits , in addition to Overweight and obesity in children , increase of cholesterol Y cavities dental.

It is very important that parents dedicate the necessary time to plan attractive refreshments and nutritious together with their children. The objective is that the child knows how to choose what to eat and what not to do at recess time.

Here are some suggestions to complement a healthy snack:

  1. Fresh fruit , frozen, canned or dehydrated
  2. Low-fat yogurt , raw and chopped vegetables, with lemon and chile
  3. Wholemeal pancakes
  4. Low-fat popcorn
  5. Integral cookies with low fat cheese
  6. Tuna in water, a surimi bar or a slice of fresh cheese
  7. Paquetitos or cereal bars
  8. Cereals or tubers and foods of animal origin
  9. Avoid industrialized foods, as they are rich in fat, sugar and / or sodium
  10. Avoid very sweet foods, as they can promote the development of caries. Always include a drink, but avoid those with a high sugar content such as soft drinks and industrialized juices.

Place the snack in a lunch box clean and in nice containers, unbreakable and easy to handle; This will make your child eat with pleasure. Promote the consumption of a healthy lunch since childhood will help to establish healthy habits of food for a lifetime.

Prepare a good snack and feed your child healthy!

Video Medicine: How To Meal Prep - Ep. 1 - CHICKEN (7 Meals/$3.50 Each) (April 2024).