Say goodbye to prejudice!

Do you feel that you are about to explode and can not find calm? According to a study published in the journal Health Psychology suggests that the practice of mindfulness meditation is very useful to reduce stress levels and achieve mental and emotional peace.

In the investigation of the University of California It is detailed that upon acquiring full consciousness the levels of cortisol, a hormone that causes stress, are reduced. Therefore, it is ideal to breathe deeply and free your mind at the most difficult times of the day.

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Say goodbye to prejudice!

Mindfulness consists of freeing your mind of prejudices and past experiences in the present, to enjoy calmness, forgiveness and happiness, according to a study published in the Perspectives on Psychological Science.

One way to obtain it is through meditation, since it impacts some regions of the brain that control thoughts and emotions, such as the cingulate and prefrontal cortex.

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In an interview for GetQoralHealth, Dhyan Gulistan and Nirdosh Eidels , specialists in neurosomatic reprogramming, they explain the benefits of meditation.

In addition, in various studies, universities of Utah and Brown It suggests that full consciousness generates greater physical and emotional well-being, as well as improving control over pain and impulsive emotions.

You do not need to be an expert to practice mindfulness meditation, you just have to spend a few minutes clearing your mind and doing breathing exercises. And you, how do you achieve calm?