What do you feel after a cesarean section?

The Birth natural is the best option after pregnancy ; However, due to health issues or complications at this stage, some doctors choose to practice Caesarean section , but what symptoms are experienced after a cesarean section?

Most symptoms after a Caesarean section They are very similar to those that occur after a vaginal delivery. Immediately after your baby is born, either by cesarean section or vaginal delivery, the puerperium will begin. This period is characterized by the disappearance of the changes that your body had during pregnancy and lasts approximately 6 to 8 weeks.

During this time, you will present a vaginal bleeding called "lochia," which means that the healing of the uterus is in process. At the beginning, this bleeding will be very abundant and similar to menstruation. Later the red color will change until it becomes yellowish, which will indicate that the healing is almost complete.

There are other unique symptoms of Caesarean section . The most notable are those related to the surgical wound, product of the Caesarean section , and include:

1. Inflammation and pain in the abdomen.

2. Inflammation and pain in the legs and calves.

3. Redness, itching and irritation in the incision. During the first days, the incision will look pink and higher than the rest of the skin. If healing is taking place properly, after the first 3 or 4 days you should feel less pain. However, you will still have sensitivity in the area during the first month.

In addition, some studies indicate that postpartum depression is slightly more common in women who had a Caesarean section , than in women who had a vaginal delivery.

If you have Postpartum depression , you can perform several activities to make you feel better. For example, many women just talk about their feelings with their partner or family, while others require the support of a therapist.

If the puerperium has ended and you feel the same or worse, or if at any time you feel completely overwhelmed and disabled for your new role as a mother, we advise you to go with a professional.

Similarly, if any discomfort of the incision persists, we recommend you seek medical help. Remember that it is important that you feel good about yourself so that you can provide the best care for your baby.

Finally, we suggest that you take care of yourself, look for time to relax and that you have a lot of patience. Soon everything will return to normal!

You want to know more, check this information and other topics of interest in The Bebeteca .

1. Natural delivery or cesarean section

2. Postpartum depression: Diagnosis and treatment

3. Symptoms of childbirth

Video Medicine: C-section (Cesarean Delivery) (April 2024).