How should infant caries be prevented?

It is very important that the child gets used to having the habit of oral health since he was a child and that he learns to do it himself, so that in the future he can prevent more complex oral diseases.

Give him an example. If you see that you brush your teeth, you will end up adopting this habit in your daily routine.


How should infant caries be prevented?

1. Do not sweeten the pacifier
2. Do not let the child sleep with the bottle in his mouth.
3. Avoid foods rich in sugars.


How to teach him to brush his teeth?

After one year, children should be familiar with tooth brushing.

From two years, brush your teeth after each meal, to create a habit. It is essential that you help him to get your child to do it correctly and autonomously.


How often must the child go to review?

It is important to go to periodic checkups to prevent possible cavities or malformations.

It agrees that with a year, the small one goes to the dentist to evaluate his dental development and in this first consultation, to elaborate a preventive plan for the future.

Remember that a healthy habit can last throughout your life, so it is also essential that you are always informed in an appropriate way to form it in the most appropriate way.

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Video Medicine: How to prevent tooth decay in babies Ask A Doc Cook Children's (May 2024).