5 causes of loneliness

In recent years, the sadness and loneliness They have increased drastically in a very short period of time. Feeling isolated not only has adverse effects on the mental health , but it negatively affects physical health.

Psychologically, the loneliness is defined as the absence, real or perceived, of social relationships satisfactory, which presents with symptoms of psychological disorders and maladaptation, such as anxiety , depression , insomnia , Abuse of drug Y alcoholism .

Several studies indicate that those who do not have social ties are three times more likely to die in the course of nine subsequent years, compared to those who do, according to information published in the Huffington Post.

They also have a greater risk of suffering inflammatory diseases and, even, it is suggested, loneliness can be contagious. There are many questions regarding the factors or causes of this evil; however, among the most common are:

1. Age Unlike in the past, now older people are displaced from active participation in a society. Which also detonates depression .

2. Widowhood and divorce. It is necessary to assume and overcome the duel before the loss of a loved one or partner because, otherwise, it can originate depression and even the death . On the other hand, those who can not create new affective ties or go as a couple after a divorce , reinforce their negative feelings.

3. Social networks . Spending too much time in Internet can isolate a person from social relationships and personal interaction. To which it is added that they can feel bad when someone else expresses their happiness and good mood in the social networks .

4. Travel. Those people who constantly move or perform travels , have less time to socialize and establish better social relationships , which leads to loneliness .

5. Genetics According to an investigation by the University of Chicago, the loneliness originates in the brain , in which certain specific zones are activated after this feeling and when generating it. Therefore, it can even be considered as a component genetic .

Therefore, specialists recommend a series of measures to combat or prevent the feeling of loneliness , among them: strengthen self esteem , expand the network of friends, have more physical contact with people, talk about what you feel and think, learn to listen and listen, avoid easy problems and, above all, learn to be supportive.

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