Sanitary towels, learn to use them

The vaginal area is a very sensitive part of a woman's body, so care must be taken with the hygiene , clothing and accessories that are used in that area, such as tampons or sanitary towels .

This type of items for the hygiene intimate are very important in the lives of women. Thus, GetQoralHealth gives you the advantages and disadvantages of its use:

Pros of the feminine towels

  1. They are comfortable, easy to use and stay in place, thanks to their adhesive tapes.
  2. There is a great variety to choose the one that adapts to your needs.
  3. With the frequent change, the development of infection .
  4. They can be used during the practice of any sport (except swimming)

Disadvantages of sanitary napkins

  1. Flavored items can irritate or alter the PH vaginal.
  2. For some women, the "wings" of the towels can cause discomfort or chafing on the legs.
  3. The materials with which they are manufactured can cause allergies .
  4. Unable to perform water activities


Are they safe during menstruation?

The specialists point out that its use is completely safe, because they are made of cellulose fiber in the outer cover and polypropylene or polyethylene (plastic species) in the anti-moisture layers. In addition, there are towels with cotton, mesh, laminate or a combination of the last two.

The important thing is to use towels that allow perspiration skin and protect it against irritations . Cellulose is the best option.

Which feminine towel is the most recommended?

This product should give you the protection, comfort and freedom of movement that you need, that is, it should keep you clean, dry and safe.

To choose a good towel, you should observe your bleeding and determine if it is abundant, moderate or light, in order to choose the right towel. Remember that the level of absorption is very important, because it prevents stains and moisture on the surface.

Something fundamental that every woman should know, is that sanitary napkins and their covers are discarded in the trash can and not in the toilet.

Video Medicine: Nspire Cherish EXPOSED! This Man Breaks Down a Sanitary Napkin Now We No Cherish Pad Demo (May 2024).