Change of habits

The obesity is a public health problem in Mexico and is one of the epidemic diseases of developed countries, in recent years by imitation and consumption of foods with high energy value have increased their frequency, which has triggered many more diseases, depending on the Dr. Armando Ahued, head of the Ministry of Health of the Federal District.

Because our country currently occupies the first place in childhood obesity globally, and the second with regard to adults, the health secretary said that one of the keys to combating overweight and obesity they are women, due to the role they play socially and to their influence.


Change of habits

The formation of good eating habits is an excellent tool to prevent diseases and promote health in the population. The best way to achieve an adequate nutritional status is to incorporate a wide variety of foods into our daily and weekly diet, for which, women, in their role as mothers, wives and even suppliers, with a cornerstone, according to researchers from the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon .

The adoption of correct eating habits is crucial for the promotion of individual and collective health as well as to prevent a large number of diseases that are more or less related to food.

Therefore, acquiring knowledge about food and nutrients, the frequency of consumption and the amounts that are appropriate depending on the circumstances of each person, form the fundamental basis to create a responsible attitude towards the way of feeding.

An effective nutrition instruction can motivate people and allow them to adopt healthy eating and life guidelines, for which women can guide regarding:

1. Set a good example at home by regularly offering a variety of nutritious foods.
2. Talk about healthy eating and encourage physical activity.
3. Encourage children to participate in activities related to food, such as planning meals, buying food and cooking.
4. Talk with the children about the promotion and advertising of food.
5. Be interested in the foods eaten or sold in schools and encourage healthy choices.
6. Eat together at home, which helps develop healthier eating habits.

Therefore, the change of lifestyle is based primarily on women, socially speaking, however, explains the health secretary, it is up to all of them to carry it out, recognizing in the first instance that there is a public health problem in our country .

Video Medicine: A simple way to break a bad habit | Judson Brewer (April 2024).