Renal tubular acidosis generates fatigue in children

The Renal tubular acidosis (ATR) is a disease congenital that causes low weight and height, lack of appetite, decreased muscle tone, pain in the extremities, fatigue and irritability. It is generated by the immaturity of the kidneys, because they fail to discard the organic acids and absorb the bicarbonate properly necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

According to the Mexican Association for the Study of Renal Tubular Acidosis , this condition is identified by the increase in acidity in the blood . Symptoms may take up to three years to manifest, and the disease may be accompanied by other conditions.

In the following video of Chain Three , the importance of its early detection is explained.

The ATR is easy to diagnose with blood and urine tests; however, more specialized studies are carried out ultrasound Y X-rays , to determine if there are nephrocalcinosis (excess calcium in the kidneys), delay in the development of the bone system or decalcification.

The association ensures that the treatment for ATR should "compensate for the biochemical imbalance in the blood and the loss of bicarbonate, calcium or potassium in the urine. " Some of the secondary reactions of this process are the gastritis , inflammation abdominal and diarrhea .

Experts say that children with this condition can lead a normal life if they respect the designated treatment; however, they usually have a low immune system.