Passive smokers have less memory

Tom Heffernan and Terence O'Neil, researchers at the University of Northumbria, England reveals that the smoke exposure of tobacco generates damage to the memory of the pasive smokers .

To verify the result, passive and active smokers underwent various tests. People who were exposed to cigarette smoke had the worst ratings in tests of memory than those who were not exposed.

In information published in Publimetro, active smokers identified 59% of the tasks, while those who had never smoked successfully resolved 81% of the activities.

Dr. Heffernan details that "recent reports from the World Health Organization, exposure to secondhand smoke can have serious consequences on the health of people who have never smoked, but who by contact have become passive smokers.

However, the study clarifies that if passive smokers avoid cigarette smoke they can restore memory lost almost to the same level as non-smokers. Therefore, in interview for GetQoralHealth, Dr. Lilia Ramírez gives you a treatment to quit this habit:

Remember that quitting this habit would not only benefit your memory but that of those who act as passive smokers. Take care of yourself and protect the health of others!

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Video Medicine: Quit Smoking: Smoking Kills Watch Effects Of Smoking Cigarettes on Lungs & Side Effects Of Smoking (May 2024).