Other stigmatized foods

"Bad" foods? In many cases it is false; example, chocolate. Your high caloric content has been associated with weight gain, but according to a investigation of the expert Magdalena Cuenca, regular consumption of this food is associated with a lower body mass index.

The study indicates that this is because chocolate is rich in flavonoids , beneficial plant metabolites for metabolism; that is, they are anti-inflammatory and anti-hypertensive.


Other stigmatized foods

A diet Adequate is that which is integrated by all foods, and here we tell those who by their "bad reputation" have forgotten them.

1. Cheese A study published in Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism points out that removing dairy products such as cheese from your diet produces a decrease in the levels of sugar in your blood and in the blood pressure , which can be dangerous.

2. Bread This does not make more fat than pasta or rice, foods that are part of many of the current diets to lose weight. The World Health Organization indicates that 230 grams of bread per day should be consumed daily.

3. Pope. It has a high fiber content, also provides more than a quarter of the recommended daily dose of potassium. A research of the magazine Advances in Nutrition it points to it as a food that has an energizing effect.

4. Red meat It is a source of protein, iron and conjugated linoleic acid, and can help reduce your body fat percentage preventing your body from storing fat.

The egg is another tolimento that has suffered from "bad fame". Dietary cholesterol is not related to high blood cholesterol levels. Even a healthy person can eat a egg every day