Oatmeal bath to exfoliate your skin

To renew and clean your skin naturally, a bath of oats It is a very good option due to its exfoliating properties. In addition, immersion baths they are very relaxing Y de-stressing , so you will have more benefits to your health.

The oats It has nutritional properties that help exfoliate, clean and nourish the skin naturally. Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we present you a video of Profeco where they explain how to make a oat soap , so that together with the immersion bath, apply it to your skin:

While you can use masks or creams made from the oats , you can also take advantage of all its benefits from immersion baths. So you can perform this natural bath of oats , you must follow these simple indications, according to innatia.com:

1. Mix very well 1 cup of rolled or ground oats, ½ tablespoon of cinnamon powder, ½ cup of baking soda and a teaspoon of vanilla extract.

2. Once you have thoroughly mixed all the ingredients, place them in a pantyhose pantyhose, close it and place it in the bath tub with warm water.

3. You have ready the oatmeal bath to exfoliate the skin, it is just that you enjoy this natural and relaxing bath.

This bath to clean and exfoliate the skin can be done once a week. Even if you want it, while you enjoy this bath, you can listen to music relaxing , and you will turn your bathroom into a spa.

If you are interested in natural baths for body beauty, you can not miss the benefits of milk bath, homemade herb bath, salt bath or mint and vinegar bath.

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Video Medicine: Oatmeal Bath for Eczema and Itchy Skin: Babies & Adults (April 2024).