Know the habits that damage your body!

Did you know that there are habits Unhealthy that seem harmless, but can actually harm your health? According to a study of the Duke University, in the United States , points out that more than 40% of the actions we carry out daily are habits.

The researchers detail that to change these habits it takes three weeks, that is, 21 days; time in which changes in neurological patterns are generated.


Know the habits that damage your body!

If you analyze your behavior of a single day, you will realize that you do things automatically, which can harm your body, such as the following:


  1. Excessive use of computers. To remain seated in front of the computer not only generates sedentary lifestyle and is a risk factor for obesity, but it affects well-being and mental health.
  2. Listen to music. Some people listen to their favorite music at very high volumes. According to the National Institutes of Health of the United States notes that repeated exposure to loud noise can cause hearing loss.
  3. Take diet sodas. Artificial sweeteners that contain these beverages trick the brain into increasing food consumption.
  4. Drink juice. One study reveals that drinking a glass of juice increases calorie intake due to the amount of sugar it contains. In addition, the fiber and vitamin content is reduced.
  5. I do not sleep well. Sleep deprivation is linked to changes in cognition, increases depression and affects the immune system. Even, it is a risk factor for the obesity , cerebrovascular accidents and diabetes.

Therefore, it is important that you analyze the habits that you have, as well as a healthy way to eliminate them. In this way you will not only improve your quality of life and your body will be in optimal conditions. And you, how do you take care of your body?