Spices for your skin!

In Mexico, as in other Latin American countries, the use of plants to treat health problems is very common. Although, there are spices or herbs that can favor the skin, and therefore the appearance.

Example is the clove, "which has a power antioxidant ; has 80 grams of vitamin C, carotenes, vitamin E and other components that reverse the negative effects of free radicals: wrinkles, "says a study of the Miguel Hernández University in Spain.


Spices for your skin!


Although, wrinkles are caused by changes in the skin as part of an aging process. There are factors that can accelerate its appearance: sun exposure, genetics, smoking. Although there are also things that can slow this down; example, adequate food, "says the National Library of Medicine.

Discover what spices are for your skin:


1. Turmeric

Its main component is a polyphenol called cucumin that has a powerful effect to inhibit oxidative damage to DNA and prevent the formation of so-called free radicals, says a study of the University of Texas.

Video Medicine: Spices For Your Youthful Skin | Spices for anti ageing and glowing skin (April 2024).