7 tips to reduce hip fat

One of the concerns of many women about their figure is how reduce fat of the hip . Specialists explain that this area is especially difficult to lower, but it is fully achievable if modify some habits that prevent achieving it.

With this purpose GetQoralHealth create the Less Sizes Program in 15 days . Through this plan you can follow very practical tips to reduce sizes of your hip. For example, follow a diet low in fat and carbohydrates, as well as increase the consumption of fruits and vegetables.


7 tips to reduce hip fat

Deanne Panday, certified trainer and author of Shut Up and train!, explains that hormones (estrogens) are responsible for the accumulation of fat in the hips.

He adds that in order to deal with this "problem" it is crucial to make small changes in diet, rest and physical activity. These are some tips that you could follow to get rid of the accumulated in this area of ​​your body.

1. Relax. John Lee , author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Menopause, explains that it is important that the woman is relaxed because with stress the levels of cortisol rise, a hormone that inhibits the action of progesterone. When estrogen is not balanced by progesterone, there is a greater predisposition to accumulate fat.

2. Increase consumption of crucifers. As is known, one of the problems to lose weight is the excess of estrogen, to help the liver to eliminate this hormone it is advisable to eat cruciferous foods, such as broccoli, cauliflower or cabbage. In addition, to consume foods rich in vitamin B6, B12 and folic acid, advises Panday .

3. Restrict the consumption of calories. Specialists explains that by reducing the amount of calories consumed daily, the body will start to spend the fat stored in the hips and thighs.

4. Seasonal fruits. Increases the consumption of seasonal fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants. This will help detoxify your body and, therefore, eliminate excess fat from the hip because they favor the release of fat cells.

5. Reduce the consumption of butter. Payal Banka, registered dietitian with an MBA in Health Administration In the United States, it is advisable to reduce the consumption of butter, butter, cheese and margarine. Choose to cook with vegetable oils and of olive They are good to prevent the accumulation of fat in those difficult areas.

6. Walk. It is the best exercise for the hips and thighs. The recommendable thing is to walk until 4 km per day will make that your objective is fulfilled, assures Payal Banka .

7. Light dinner. Banka recommend dine foods light rich in fiber , proteins and low in carbohydrates . Add that the ideal time is around 7:30 p.m., to have a small time to add to your goal.

In addition to these tips, it is important to avoid the consumption of fried foods, sugary drinks, choose to drink natural water.

Remember to follow the Less Sizes Program in 15 days that will help you start adopting healthy habits in a short time to get rid of the fat accumulated in the hips. Do not wait any longer to look like you want!

Video Medicine: How to Flatten Your Belly in 10 Days (April 2024).