Everything is in the mind

Have you ever seen, heard or felt people or things that are not real? At least, 1 in 20 people in the world has had a hallucination in his "five senses", that is, without having used drugs or alcohol or suffering from sleep problems, but Why are we hallucinating?

A study published in the magazine JAMA Psychiatry notes that women , singles and people with income medium to high , who do not suffer from mental illness, are slightly more likely to have delirious episodes or amazing .


Everything is in the mind

John McGrath , co-author of the study and professor of Queensland Brain Institute in Australia, explains that the hallucinations and delusions are not always the result of serious mental illness. Now we know that healthy people also have this type of experience.

Hallucinations make things feel awake that seem real, but are actually created by the mind: National Institutes of Health of the USA

Video Medicine: Alan Watts ~ Everything is in the Mind (April 2024).