Lose weight with celery

The celery is an ideal vegetable to be included in a diet for lose weight . This is because it is made up of 95% water, so it contributes only 15 calories .

Thanks to its high content of salt, limonene, asparagine, is an excellent diuretic that helps eliminate excess fluid in the body, helps slim down and to decrease the blood pressure , as explained in the following portal video vidaaludable.com :

The fiber insoluble celery helps control the appetite and to debug intestine , so avoid the constipation and the inflammation of the abdomen . In addition, the celery reduces levels of cholesterol and eliminate the uric acid .


Celery Walford salad




200 gr. of celery 1 red apple 1 pear 2 tablespoons of walnuts 1 lemon juice 2 tablespoons of chopped parsley 1 tablespoon of clear honey Grated lemon zest



1. Finely grate the celery, add the lemon juice. Cut the apple and pear into thin slices. Add the fruits to the celery with the lemon, so they do not rust.

2. Chop the nuts and parsley. Add the nuts and parsley to the mixture of fruit and celery. Pour the honey and the lemon zest. Remove and cool.

If you wish lose weight , do not hesitate to include celery in you diet to enjoy its benefits. Remember to do exercise At least three times a week to keep fit.

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Video Medicine: How to Lose Weight and Get More Energy in 15 Days (May 2024).