Anxiety to eat decreases with meditation

Did you know that eating a diet low in protein can cause your mood to decrease? While experiencing periods of stress Y anxiety chronicle , causes some people to eat more food than usual, the chances of suffering overweight Y obesity , they increase.

In an interview with Dharmacharini Abhayagita , member of the Buddhist Center of Mexico City , explains that this is because sometimes people tend to respond to "emotional pressure" with food: "It is known that the consumption of foods rich in carbohydrates increase the levels of serotonin , which helps to alleviate many negative emotional states ".

However, this anxiety that causes us to overeat, can be reduced with the exercise and with the meditation , since people come to have a balance in their emotions:

The key is to learn to channel our thoughts and emotions, since no food is bad, as long as it is enjoyed, eat without guilt and in moderation: "The root of overweight, sometimes because when we feel emotionally wrong , we tend to consume foods like these to feel better. "

An "adequate level of stress", causes an increase in adrenalin and this generally breaks down fat and muscle tissue, but a level of stress high is the opposite. The idea is that you learn to control it, through practices such as yoga , meditation or activating with your favorite sport.

Video Medicine: Hypnosis for Weight Loss (Guided Relaxation, Healthy Diet, Sleep & Motivation) (April 2024).