Lose weight while you eat

The New York Obesity Center, at the St. Luke Roosevelt Hospital Center, it showed that it is not very important how much you eat, but what you eat. In one study it is emphasized that skipping a meal generates an excess of calories in the next.

Therefore, specialists recommend consuming food at specific times, as well as include oats in your diet , because it contains a lot of fiber , which acts as an appetite suppressant and reduces the speed at which sugars reach the blood .

Doctors explain that when sugars slowly reach the bloodstream, the brain He finds energy to work, but if he finds it in too many quantities he ends up storing them as grease .

To avoid the accumulation of fats and keep you in shape, Hospitals Angeles presents you with the following measures:

  1. Breakfast rich in fiber: You can eat apple with shell, melon, orange papaya, cottage cheese or panela, almonds or walnuts, rye bread.
  2. Consume crunchy vegetables: In the meal choose a plate of raw salad, it will cause you a feeling of fullness; You can add them with olive oil and vinegar or with a little yogurt and aromatic herbs.
  3. Create a combined dish: Include chicken, meat or fish stewed with vegetables or wine and spices. Avoid the gravys and white sauces that contain refined flours.

Drinking a good amount of water is vital for health. Also, do not consume more than two glasses of alcohol per meal.

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Video Medicine: The Health Guru Who Eats 5,000 Calories in One Meal & Says He's Healthy (May 2024).