Listeria causes new alert in the US

Health authorities in Massachusetts, United States, alerted the population in general to consume brand cheese Fromagerie Marie Kade , because they can be contaminated with listeria .

The listeriosis is a infection serious, usually caused by eating contaminated food with Listeria monocytogenes, bacterium which is found in the soil and water, as well as in the processed ones and those produced with unpasteurized milk.

Is bacterium It is different from many other germs because it can grow even in the cold of the fridge. The disease It mainly affects pregnant women, elderly people, newborns and people with weakened immune systems.

However, in rare cases people without these risk factors may also be affected and have symptoms fever and muscle pains, headache , stiff neck, confusion, loss of balance and seizures .

The risk can be reduced by following a few simple recommendations, targeting mainly pregnant women, but serving everyone. That's why in GetQoralHealth we present you a video of USDAFoodSafety where they tell us what actions to take:

Pregnant women usually experience only one disease slight, similar to the flu . However, infections during the pregnancy May cause abortion involuntary, death, premature birth or potentially deadly contagion in the newborn .

In other people, this infection is usually preceded by diarrhea or other stomach symptoms because it spreads beyond the gastrointestinal tract.

The listeriosis It deals with antibiotics ; However, even with early treatments, in some cases they can cause death, especially in older adults and in people with other serious medical problems.

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