Exotic pets generate psittacosis

Have a pet can be beneficial to health, especially for children Y older adults ; However, have a cat , dog , hamster, birds or reptiles They imply following a series of measures so that they do not become a focus of contagion , according to Fernando Laredo Sánchez, internist at the Specialties Hospital of the National Medical Center (CMN) Siglo XXI.

In this regard, he commented that among the risks of owning pet highlight rabies (in the case of dogs ) and the toxoplasmosis (infection that inflames lymph nodes and produces headache ) with the cats . In both cases there is the possibility of transmission of parasites .

In this sense, the mascots exotic as the dove , hamster, squirrel, vipers, iguanas, among others rodents Y reptiles , can involve serious health risks.

In the case of birds , for example, also considered exotic, it is very likely that they are carriers of a harmful agent called psittacosis , which can cause serious respiratory infections.

To learn more about this disease, in GetQoralHealth we present you a video of news center where they explain about it:

To prevent these risks, the CMN specialist recommends: acquiring mascots Only in legal establishments that issue a certificate of their health, as well as vaccinate and deworm them annually.

Care must be taken that they do not sleep in the same rooms as the children , much less allow them to share the bed if you are not fully sure of the greeting of this one.

Neither should they be in contact with the food and the place where they are prepared, as well as not kissing them and washing their hands after caressing them and playing with them.

It is very important to assign them a decent space in which they can eat, sleep and relieve themselves, with good care mascots they bring psychological benefits and the health of all people. And you, do you take good care of yourpet ?

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Video Medicine: twitch.tv/monotonetim 2017-08-06 [21:08] (April 2024).