Learn to improve your posture

The bad postures , a reckless movement or accumulated tension cause painful muscular contractures and of the joints who resent, especially in the back .

Our body is the physical vehicle of our life and daily we subject it to abuse, as sleep in bad position, sitting incorrectly or performing work in forced postures.

Fortunately, many ailments are reversible, just listen to the warning signals sent by the body and correct what we do wrong.

In this regard, the Spanish physiotherapist and chiromassageist, Claudina Navarro offers some recommendations on body hygiene to improve the way we carry out our daily activities.

Navarro says that the ideal position to sleep is lying down with the knees bent , or face up with a cushion under the legs. It's not advisable sleep mouth down, because it increases the lumbar curvature .

As for the pillow, in no case should be very high, nor too hard because it produces hyperflexion and neck stiffness.

The ideal is a rather low base and malleable enough to fit the shape of the neck, or acquire a cervical pillow.


Sit with your back straight

The physiotherapist indicates that you should always keep your back straight, in contact with the backrest of the chair or the seat of the car and your feet resting on the floor.

When we work and we are sitting for a long time, it is necessary that you make several breaks and get up at least once every hour; walk a little and make slow and smooth movements of shoulders and head.

There are many activities that we do while standing and that, without adequate supports, can cause pain and discomfort. Leaning a foot on a stool and changing it every so often while ironing, avoids overloading the back.

When using the vacuum cleaner, mop or broom, it must be done without a flexion excessive trunk Reeducate our postures is the key to feel good and move better.

Video Medicine: How To IMPROVE YOUR POSTURE | Fix Rounded Shoulders | 5 Best Exercises!! (April 2024).