Learn to face death

In Greek mythology Thánatos personified death. He was the son of Nix (the night) and of Hypnos (God of sleep), and was represented by a winged young man carrying a torch extinguished.

The Thanatology It is the study of death and its manifestations. Thanatos means death and logos treated or studied.

The objective of this science is to provide professional help to terminal patients and their families, to people with suicidal ideas and to any individual who has had a significant loss.

Help in handling the various feelings that are inherent in a duel : go to , pain suffering, depression and feelings of guilt for what we did or did not do for the person who has left.

The ultimate enigma of human life is death. Of all the separations, this is the most feared, whether it is about ourselves or a loved one. It almost always takes us by surprise, it is premature, inevitable and unpredictable. Very few people die at the precise moment, in the instant in which they themselves would wish to die.

The work of the Thanatologist

The work of a tanatologist with a terminally ill patient is to help him die well, to overcome the fear , to leave what he loves, the unknown and physical pain. The experience of death should be as dignified and pleasant as possible.

The care can be done in a hospital or in the home of the sick person. The choice will depend largely on the relatives taking into account the patient's status and the family's financial possibilities.

At the same time that physical symptoms are treated, it is essential to combat pain; Nowadays there are many techniques that allow the patient to be in consciousness but without pain.

It will be necessary to take care of the patient's emotional care at all times: provide companionship, help him establish a good relationship with the people who take care of him.

If the patient is able to perform any activity , you must be motivated to be active, to put all your affairs in order by the time you are no longer there.

The Thanatologist will also help you express the different feelings that arise throughout the process that precedes death and will support you in front of your anxieties .

In the spiritual aspect, the expert dialogues with the patient about the doubts that may arise in the process, about the meaning of life and death, of the disease and of pain. For many terminal patients, the religious presence is fundamental to be able to leave in peace. In this case, the theatologist requests the support of a priest or religious.

With the relatives, the task is to teach them to support the terminal patient. Each of the members of a family reacts differently according to their personal history and their links to it.

Some try to overprotect him and thus isolate or overwhelm him with unsolicited attention, while others disappear with all kinds of justifications. During a process such as this, negative feelings within a family become apparent, such as the resentment , rivalry, among others.

The Thanatologist also helps family members in their grieving process with a view to separating their loved one.

It is important to have a education to die with dignity, peace and without pain. In order to die well, you have to live well.

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Video Medicine: Life Advice : How to Face Death Without Fear (May 2024).