Know the basic yoga postures

One of the fundamental positions of this practice is the cobra . You must do this in two stages. The first thing you have to do is lie on your stomach, your legs very close together and stretched back and with your forehead on the floor.

Then put your hands with your palms down, just below your shoulders. Inhale and raise your head, pressing your neck back; Use your hands to push the trunk up until the lumbar spine is bent in an arc to the back of your neck.

It is not necessary to go further. However, if you are enough flexible , you can straighten your arms completely, bend your legs on your knees and place your head back as far as possible to touch your feet, breathing deeply.

Once this is done, you should lower your head very slowly to finish with the posture. Now relax and turn your head from side to side, while continuing with your breathing exercises.


Simple arch posture

In yoga there is also an extreme version of simple arch . Try it, once again, in different stages. The first thing you should do is lie face down on the mat.

Inhale and bend the knees up. Stretch your back with your arms and grab your ankles. Inhale and at the same time, raise the head and chest, pulling the ankles; Lift the knees and thighs off the ground.

Now breathe normally, trying to raise your legs as much as possible and raise your head. Since you are bent like a bow, balancing the weight of your body on the abdomen, you can stop here, but if you can slide your hands down the legs.

Now lift them with your knees together and pull back as far as possible. Try to hold this position for a few deep breaths, then relax back to the starting position face down and turn your head from side to side.


Firing the bow


In Sanskrit it is known as Akarna Dhanurasana and one leg looks like a bow in shooting position. Sit with your legs straight in front and your back straight.

Then lean forward with both hands taking the right foot with the left hand and the left foot with the right hand.

Inhale and bend the left knee and pull the feet until they are close to your chest, pointing the elbow upwards and turning the body slightly to the right.

The left hand keeps pressing the right foot. Hold your posture with normal breathing, release slowly and relax. Repeat everything on the other side.

At the beginning it is sufficient to keep the leg bent to the left with the right hand. When this is easier, extend down and hold the left foot with the right hand.

Video Medicine: 18 Basic Yoga Poses - Tadasana, Downward Facing Dog & More - Caley Alyssa (April 2024).