How to hydrate for a race?

A correct diet that includes adequate hydration can help runners optimize their sports performance, meet the challenges and unleash their true potential.

Nutrition for sport is also trained, planning and programming each food for months and weeks before a race. Such is the case of a high performance competition of 5K or 10K, such as Nike Nosotras Corremos, where a good diet should be considered after 3 or 4 days.

In accordance with Carmen A. Ruiz, specialist in sports nutrition Three days before a race, a food strategy known as carbohydrate loading should be carried out, which consists of increasing 2 to 3 servings of these foods for better sports performance.

The solid food that is swallowed also contains water. From 20 to 25% of the total consumption of liquids comes from food. Vegetables and fruits are especially rich. Even in foods such as nuts, meat and fish water is present.

Prior to the start of a routine or competition, it is important to include water, (150 to 200 ml maximum for the stomach to absorb and not cause any discomfort), and carbohydrates (2 to 4 cookies with 1 teaspoon of jam or honey , or 1 bar of cereals with fruits), that allow to have the fuel and necessary substances to be used by the muscles during exercise.

According to the duration of the training or competition, the contribution of energy, as well as other substances for better sports performance, such as water and the minerals sodium, potassium, calcium and magnesium must be maintained. Therefore, it is recommended to hydrate with approximately 150 ml every 15 to 20 minutes.

When the competition is over, it is essential that muscles and substances that are lost in sweating are recovered within the first 2 hours.

Although experts recommend the consumption of natural water, there are other liquids that give the body the ability to hydrate; for example: isotonic drinks, teas, juices, infusions, soups, milk, among others.

At that time you can ingest 250 to 500 ml of sports drink without causing discomfort or digestive heaviness. At present, this can be easily achieved when you have a suitable drink for better sports performance.

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Video Medicine: Hydration For Runners (May 2024).