Su Jok therapy vs migraine

Su Jok is a therapeutic method and very efficient as first aid and in common diseases, characterized by pain , as the migraine , by applying on points in feet and hands according to the reflexology Y acupuncture .

The word Su Jok means in Korean hand (SU) foot (JOK). It does not require prior knowledge and its application is simple through exercising energy stimuli by means of seeds, moxas, pointers or massages with the fingers of the hands, according to the Spanish Society of Su Jok Therapy.

To know about the technique of application of this therapy, in GetQoralHealth we present you with a video where your practice is exemplified:

At a bioenergetic level, the acupuncture works at the metaphysical (reflex) level on energy channels or meridians in hands and feet. Using the knowledge of Traditional Chinese Medicine (meridians ) and India (chakras ) to solve problems of pain of any kind, especially the migraines, headache, or pain , As the arthritic Y lumbar .

Therefore, it is an effective method of healing based on a system of correspondence of hands and feet, through which and by organ similarity exerts influence on the organism, it can be considered as one of the best current methods of healing .

It can, in case of being well applied, act in a matter of seconds relieving the pain . However, if it is not applied properly, it does not have major consequences, it simply will not have any beneficial effect. Therefore, it is always important to approach a specialized and certified person in the application of this therapy.

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