What is metabolic syndrome?

Researchers of the Harvard Medical School , in Boston, they assure that the cells iNKT (Invariant natural killer T-cells) fight naturally obesity , the metabolic syndrome and the diabetes .

The study, published in the Journal Immunity, reveals that this type of cells disappear in people who have obesity , however, production is recovered by lowering weight .

Experts say that this set of cells of the immune system influence inflammatory responses, so its use in therapies to combat obesity and metabolic syndrome would be a great success.

In addition, it has been found that Culas iNKT regulate the weight body and the metabolic state by modulating inflammation in the adipose tissue . A study with mice reveals that those who lacked cells iNKT and that they had a diet rich in fats presented a greater gain of weight , fatty liver and insulin resistance.

Meanwhile, those who had a good production of these lymphocytes were stable weight , triglycerides and assimilation of insulin, which completely prevents the metabolic syndrome .


What is metabolic syndrome?

If you have a diet balanced and you practice some physical activity, you will favor the production of these cells iNKT, which will help you prevent obesity and metabolic syndrome .

In accordance with the endocrinologist María Elena Sañud or the metabolic syndrome alters the metabolism of glucose , the blood pressure , in lipids, which triggers obesity.

Do not forget that having healthy habits will help you improve your quality of life, since you will have greater physical and mental well-being. Also, your body will work correctly. And you, do you have an adequate weight?

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Video Medicine: Metabolic Syndrome (May 2024).