Insomnia increases with menopause

The climacteric generates various hormonal changes that affect the quality of life of women, due to alterations in the dream As the insomnia caused by the hot flashes , changes in mood and increase in weight .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the gynecologistLeopoldo Vázquez Estrada, explains the side effects of menopause:

Guadalupe Terán Pérez , specialist of the Sleep Disorders Clinic, of the Metropolitan Autonomous University Iztapalapa Unit (UAM-I), points out that the disorders of dream they manifest themselves in the different stages of a woman's life.

The expert comments that the pattern of dream changes with the beginning of the menstruation , because there are alterations in the production of hormones like growth (progesterone ) and the change in the pace of temperature body, which causes greater need to sleep.

Meanwhile, women register problems to reconcile the dream when he suffers Premenstrual syndrome , what generates drowsiness diurnal, lethargy and fatigue .

In the case of pregnancy During the first 12 weeks, physical changes promote an increase in the secretion of hormones responsible for the drowsiness excessive daytime and fatigue; symptoms that present women who live this stage.In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the doctor Reyes Haro Valencia, director of the Sleep Clinic of the UNAM , explains the benefits of dream that help our body recover:

The specialist explains that during the dream the body generates hormones that govern the body's eating behavior and help prevent obesity .

If you have any of these disorders, go with a doctor to help you improve your quality of dream .

Video Medicine: Sleeping Problems & Menopause | Insomnia (May 2024).