Inclúyela in your diet!

Does Friday come and you feel like a beer to relax? Now there are no excuses not to do so, especially for women, since this drink has many benefits for them.


According to a study of the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics (SEGO) , the consumption of beer It has many benefits for women, so they should change their preferences.

You may also be interested: 7 reasons to drink beer


Inclúyela in your diet!


  1. Protects from osteoporosis. "The beer It contains vitamins, minerals and natural antioxidants so that its moderate consumption could have antioxidant and antiviral properties that contribute to improve bone health, "the study says.
  2. Pregnancy. Because it is rich in folic acid, it prevents congenital damage to the neural tube and the spinal cord. It even reduces the stress registered by the mother during delivery.
  3. Help with breastfeeding Improve the antioxidant capacity of breast milk.
  4. Prevents dementia In the SEGO study it is detailed that the beer It is rich in silicon, a mineral that prevents the development of diseases such as Alzheimer's. Other research highlights that
  5. Menopause. The vitamins, fiber and natural phytoestrogens that the beer prevents the symptoms or discomforts that are experienced in this female stage, caused by the low level of estrogen.

In addition, it is low in calories and contains no fat or sugar, so you do not gain weight. So the moderate consumption of beer It gives you vitamins, fiber, potassium, magnesium, sodium, carbohydrates and proteins to enjoy good health.

For pregnant women or those who are in the lactation stage, one or two glasses of beer without alcohol. And you, do you enjoy the benefits of beer?