Everyday discomfort

The fatigue It is a very frequent symptom in daily life, which is usually due to strenuous workdays and Stressful or the continuous lack of a good rest, however the reasons why you feel tired Sometimes they go much further.

When you feel tired while it is possible for you to carry out your activities, when the condition continues it becomes fatigue , which complicates the way you develop because you do not have motivation neither Energy and it can be a sign of a serious disorder, says the National Library of Medicine .


Everyday discomfort

If you're feeling lately tired and you do not know why, we present some reasons that could be the causes of your lack of Energy Y motivation .

1. You skip the exercise. Avoid your routine exercise habitual by the fatigue only foments the problem, because in fact to realize it does not spend Energy , but it contributes, making your organism feel less fatigue , indicates a study of University of Georgia .

2. You suffer from anemia. The fatigue what this causes is the result of lack of Red blood cells , one of the causes is the deficiency of iron , which you lose considerably in the blood during the menstruation , indicates Laurence Corash , professor of medicine of the University of California .

3. Do not drink water. The dehydration causes a reduction in the volume of your blood , which leads to the heart reducing the speed at which oxygen and nutrients reach muscles and organs, explains Amy Goodson , sports dietitian member of the Texas Dietetic Association .

4. You look for perfection. When you want everything to be perfect always, you work with more intensity and for longer than necessary to obtain good results, unreal or impossible goals only cause you fatigue and frustration, says Irene S. Levine , professor of psychiatry of the New York University School of Medicine .

5. You have sleep problems. A person with obstructive sleep apnea can stop breathing dozens or even hundreds of times at night, explains Roseanne S. Barker , former medical director of the Baptist Sleep Institute . What prevents getting a dream restful and rest.

6. Your desk is a mess. This mentally exhausts you and prevents you from concentrating; a workspace that is full of things limits the capacity of the brain of processing information, is indicated in a study of the Princenton University . Better choose to have it ordered.

Video Medicine: "Be Uncomfortable EVERY DAY Of Your LIFE!" - David Goggins (@davidgoggins) - Top 10 Rules (April 2024).