Hormones, guilty of weight recovery!

Did you go on a diet and worry about regaining lost weight? Many people avoid a strict diet because they do not know the causes of the rebound effect and think that their effort will be useless.

However, several studies have found the key to avoid the rebound effect and enjoy the maximum of the elimination of those extra kilos.


Hormones, guilty of weight recovery!


  1. Hormone production Researchers of the University of Melbourne they assure that the increase of the hormones that stimulate the appetite, like the ghrelin, increase 20% more than at the beginning of the diet, while those that suppress the appetite (leptin) are lower.
  2. Metabolic deceleration A study of Columbia University He details that the rebound effect is activated after eight weeks and can last for years, due to a metabolic slowdown.

When the body learns to function with fewer calories a stabilization is generated, but when the diet is left and eaten normally, those extra calories are stored as fat.


Are you prone to the rebound effect?

According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism (JCEM), Levels of appetite hormones in the blood help predict whether the person will gain weight after a diet.

Researchers say that leptin and ghrelin condition the maintenance of the new weight or if the lost kilos are recovered, that is, if the levels of the first are high, it is very likely that you register the rebound effect.

However, if you maintain healthy habits after a diet, such as eating healthy foods, controlling calories and practicing some exercise, it will be easier to maintain the desired weight. And you, how do you avoid the rebound effect?

Video Medicine: WEIGHT GAIN IN RECOVERY - How I dealt with it and how you can too! (April 2024).