Healthy menus for Christmas

The end of the year arrives, the holiday holidays of the schools and, with it, the burden caused by giving the children a healthy nutrition during the Christmas season.

Therefore, in the Kellogg's Institute of Nutrition and Health we give you some offers some recommendations for a healthy nutrition on this vacation:

1. You must be very creative when preparing and serving children's dishes, to make them enjoy and at the same time eat well. Food should be, in addition to healthy and rich, attractive to the eye, the latter will make children enjoy their meals.

2. It is suggested to play with colors and shapes of them, combining, for each meal of the day, the groups of foods, including fruit, vegetables; food of the cereal, animal and legume groups.

3. Care must be taken that children take the necessary amount of water for complete hydration (both food and water are essential elements for a healthy life).

4. It is important to verify that they chew food well and keep in mind that children consume smaller portions than adults.

5. The recommended daily caloric intake for children will depend on many factors such as age, height and physical activity. Having this information allows you to know exactly what is required.

6. You should consider some options for healthy menus for children (approximately 1500 - 1700 kcal each), as shown in the following table:

To inculcate a good feeding in children this holiday season, remember that as a parent, you are the model and example for your children, so it is essential that they know that you also have a healthy food and.

For more information: T: @inskmx

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Video Medicine: Healthy Holiday Swaps (April 2024).