Habits that increase their levels

The estrogen They are hormones that influence various processes of the body, whose variations in levels are related to several diseases, mainly in women, such as ovarian cysts , menstrual disorders and even breast cancer . One of the causes that increase estrogen are certain habits.

Methods to increase levels of estrogen They are the same for men and women, although men are less able to acquire the hormone naturally. However, women must constantly check their levels, especially when approaching the menopause .


Habits that increase their levels

According to specialists from the Harvard Medical School It is vital that a woman go to a specialist to verify her levels of estrogen , because if you have a deficiency, you will need some treatment or modify your lifestyle to increase them, without generating an excess, or vice versa, that's why you should be under a specialist. You can raise the levels through the following habits:

1. Phytoestrogens Are estrogen of vegetable origin present in some plants and herbs that are intended for human consumption, including parsley, alfalfa sprouts and soybeans, according to researchers from the Northwestern University .

2. Fruits and vegetables. Increasing the consumption of this type of food can naturally contribute to estrogen which requires the body, so it is advisable to consume apple, cucumber, lettuce, tomato, watercress, artichoke, asparagus and cereals (linseed).

3. Supplements . These products generally contain herbs and proteins that will help produce estrogen and other female hormones within the same organism, but should only be taken under medical supervision. There are oral and transdermal supplements.

4. Exercise. According to a study of the University of Minnesota , aerobic exercise influences how the body metabolizes estrogen to produce the "good" hormonal metabolites, so women in premenopause are recommended to practice at least 30 minutes a day.

5. Sleep . Rest less than 6 hours reduce the levels of estrogen , which directly impacts on female sexual function and desire, according to a study by the University of Chicago , therefore it is recommended to sleep between 6 and 8 hours.

Remember that whenever you want to increase the levels of estrogen , either for sexual or reproductive functions, as well as for manifestation of symptoms of menopause, before you should consult a specialist to determine the best way to do it.

Video Medicine: 5 Habits That Raise Estrogen In Men! (April 2024).