Exercise in couple generates happiness

The economic, social and cultural conditions currently require that in a partner , both members work and develop professionally , what happens so Independent usually. The result is that they spend very little time together, which generates a tension dangerous for the relationship .

If practiced periodically, the exercise generates a sense of well-being that results from the release of endorphins , adrenalin Y cortisol , biochemical substances that our body produces and that act directly in the brain .

For this reason, a feeling of happiness will be associated with this activity in partner . In addition, they can take advantage of the time they spend together to to converse about they concerns , Projects together and expectations .

Couple the schedules It can be complicated, but if you can create a habit constant, will make them share different things and be encouraged not to desist. Beyond the cinema, music and other tastes, couples get to know in depth the Health from his body and his ability to work out .

It is proven that couples what train together, they keep the practice much longer, so the results are better; for example, when they start a program of weightloss at the same time, they increase their chances of reaching that goal by 90%, because they are shown solidarity Y breath , which can be transferred to all areas of your relationship .

The results extend beyond a body thinner and better physical condition, so work out together can mean having better sex as well. The physical activity increase the sexual function , and spending time together improves the privacy of the partner .

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Video Medicine: The brain-changing benefits of exercise | Wendy Suzuki (April 2024).